Wednesday, April 27, 2011


The Red Barron

Design Notes
1. The challenge of this project is to create a simple glider out of balsa wood, tissue paper, and glue. The goal of this project is to have the most distance and hang time compared to the other gliders.

2. Air resistance is the key factor to creating the best glider so our first major ideas were to create a rounded bottom and also have large curved wings.

3. Criteria:
  • Sustained flight
  • Durable enough for multiple flights
  • Well enough assembled for a solid throw
  • Materials
Test Notes

When we tested our gilder it didn't have a stable balance point so we added a front weight to the nose end to fix it.

4. The test day had more wind then anticiapated and caused problems at first. The extended nose snapped off so we hot glued it back much stronger. After the glue set we took the first test and it performed beautifully. The one thing I would change if done again would be having it be able to make a softer landing as to make many more throws after that.

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